How to enable merge function and manually merge a person record
1) Log in as admin> go to home> configure system> user roles> edit the admin role> scroll down to the bottom> Check "Enable Merge on Person data> save the changes. 2) Exit PassagePoint and log back in 3) In the Rapid Reg screen, look up the person. ...
idtestutility key
http://www.cssn-developers.com/downloads/SDK-Release-Letter.pdf download: http://downloads.stopware.com/updates/AcuantSDK/IdTestUtility.zip 1) extract the utility into its own folder 2) edit the text file and update the key with the following key: ...
PassagePoint features a set of RestAPI calls API documents are attached in the attachment section PassagePoint side ==================== 1) on passagepoint side, must enable port 2081 in tomcat/conf/server.xml uncomment the port 2081 Must have ...
What ports are required for the Acuant SDK activation
If you are using the "Automatic Activation" option, you must be connected to the internet to activate your software license key. If the computer is behind a firewall, license activation requires that the firewall be configured to let port 80 (HTTP) ...
How to Auto Import a Directory of Employees into PassagePoint
See the "How To" document attached in the attachment tab
How to install and configure the QS1000 & QS2000
How to install and configure the Gemalto QS1000 & QS2000 The scanner should be plugged in directly into the back of the PC into a USB 3.0 port. We recommend that customers add the following expectation for the following paths for their antivirus - ...
How do I move PassagePoint global to a different server?
How do I move PassagePoint Global to a different server? Source Machine = Production server is the customer's server that contains the PassagePoint Global “config” folder and database Destination Machine = New server for the PassagePoint Global ...
Can you host the PassagePoint Server in the Cloud?
Can you host the PassagePoint Server in the Cloud? PassagePoint simply requires an IP address for each PassagePoint client to make a connection to the server regardless of where that server is located. Typically since PassagePoint is an on-premise ...
How to set up the Sex offender search
The sex offender search is a licensed module within passagepoint and requires a license. 1) First check that you have a valid license 2) Create the Sex Offender search External watchlist as follows: home=>configure system=>External=>External ...
Signature Pad Guide
See attached doc
Fail driver installation sent from Server (looping and stuck on acuant installation screen)
If you are stuck in a loop on the Acuant driver installation follow the instructions below open \ppglobal\.uninstaller (DOT uninstaller) there's two folders one has a dot in front. open the ".uninstaller" and look for these folders "cssn" and ...
PassagePoint freezing on adding scanner
PassagePoint Freezes on adding the Driver license Scanner to Station Preferences PassagePoint is unable to locate the environment variable due to other conflicting environment variables or missing files. The environment variable will need to be ...
Import Users
Attached two docs, one to import users and one for import users with user accounts
Transaction error rollback
The steps to reset IdInfo are as follows: Stop the PassagePoint Service. On the PassagePoint Server machine, navigate to '<PassagePoint Installation Directory>:\PPGlobal\Config' and open "Prefix.xml" with any text editor (notepad or wordpad) and ...
HL7 OPT out confidential (hide)
PassagePoint provides a special label "PP_PATIENT_OPTOUT" With the label set to "PP_PATIENT_OPTOUT", PassagePoint looks in the Path to field, and based on the value in the Path to field, the patient will either be searchable or NOT searchable. In ...
Single Sign On (SSO) with PassagePoint Client AD Authentication
PassagePoint's client authentication can work with AD via the LDAP protocol to provide a seamless Single Sign on (SSO) into passagepoint. This requires the windows user on the passagepoint client to be logged in as a domain user that has rights to ...
What is the logic behind the Internal Watchlist matches?
Logic behind the possible watchlist match is at least first 3 letters of the First Name and the complete Last Name should match. Example: A watch list is created for the name James Smith. Few cases on what will match and what will not are as follows: ...
Ports used by PassagePoint
Ports used by PassagePoint defined in C:\PPGlobal\Tomcat\conf\server.xml 2080 -> Default Web port, to run PassagePoint Web Pre-registration on HTTP This is the default web port for PassagePoint web application. This is the TCP/IP port number on which ...
Migrate Data Source to SQL Server
To migrate to SQL: 1. Have SQL DBA create a clean database on SQL Server. Have DBA create a user with DBO rights to the database, and get the username/password (SQL authentication) from the DBA (database administrator). 2. In Database tools => select ...
How do I install and configure the CODE CR1021 Barcode Scanner?
Installing the barcode scanner for PassagePoint Global: 1. Connect the barcode scanner to your computer. 2. Download the USB Virtual COM Driver (32-bit and 64-bit Operating Systems) | Version: 2.4.2 and CortexTools2 | Version: file at: ...
How to purge data from PassagePoint
It is recommended that a good backup is performed before purging any data. see here: https://support.stopware.com/portal/en/kb/articles/how-do-i-backup-my-database-before-performing-a-passagepoint-upgrade Remember that Data Deleted using this process ...
How to Automatically Back-up the PostgreSQL Database
To automatically backup the PassagePoint PostgreSQL database, create a Windows task with the changes below to invoke the PostgreSQL agent to back up the database. Create a batch file with the line below, and add it to your Window task: pg_dump -i -h ...
How do I import a list of Visitors or a group into PassagePoint Web Pre‐Registration?
Sample, when using all columns see attached. User should provide CSV/TSV format TEXT(.txt) file with the following requirements. Column header is required and should be included as the very first line, and should specify the following header names ...
How do I add a product license in PassagePoint Gobal?
There are two ways to add a product license in PassagePoint Global: Automatic and Manual. Automatic Entry of PassagePoint Global Licenses - You must have internet connection with port 80 open - Proxy not supported - If automatic fails, use the Manual ...
What ports need to be open for the client to connect to the server?
The following ports are required from the client to the sever: 2080, 9875, 9876 Optional ports needed on the server to the end point: If using email - port 25 If using LDAP - 389 If using ODBC - default ODBC port.
Steps to assign a new station in PassagePoint
No client license is available message. Either all licenses are in use, or licenses and stations in Control Center are misallocated. Follow these steps to assign the station in PassagePoint: The user "admin" should be able to log in, regardless of ...
How do I backup my database before performing a PassagePoint upgrade?
It is IMPORTANT you make sure you make backups before the update. On the passagepoint server machine 1) Locate and stop the passagepoint service. 2) Locate the PPGlobal folder and backup the entire "config" folder. 3) On the Database side, see steps ...
What is the import order for the Web Pre-reg group registration Tab Delimited Text file?
The text file must meet with the following requirements: 1. Column header is required and should be included as the very first line, and should specify the following header names (case insensitive) 1. first: column for person first name, REQUIRED 2. ...
ID Scanner Troubleshooting Guide
ID Scanner Troubleshooting Guide If your Drivers’ License / Passport Scanners are disconnecting or going inactive, please follow the steps below to help remedy the issue. NOTE: If you have a QS1000 / Qs2000 For issues please see KB article on ...