windows 11 slow performance

windows 11 slow performance

Are you seeing slow windows 11 slow performance, and in turn affecting passagepoint's performance?

Here are some possible culprits:

Open the Task Manager (right click on taskbar, and hit "task manager")
Then Click on the Performance item

1)  Memory 

Review Available memory. If this setting is low, adding more physical memory will help.
without adequate memory, windows will swap to virtual memory (saves memory to disk), and performance can suffer greatly

2) CPU 

Review CPU usage. If CPU is pegged at 100%, passagepoint performance can suffer.

Click on Process, then click on the CPU header to sort by CPU usage to identify high processes using high CPU

3) Slow Disk performance
In general solid state drives  (SSD) are much much faster than hard disk drive (HDD)

4) Bios (machine specific)

Check any performance settings in the BIOS.  

As an example, on a Dell Inspiron, a setting called "Intel SpeedStep" when enabled will throttle certain applications like passagepoint, and cause overall slowness within the application.

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