What should I do if I get a "The Administrator needs to assign the station using the "Control Center" " error when launching PassagePoint?

What should I do if I get a "The Administrator needs to assign the station using the "Control Center" " error when launching PassagePoint?

On the client
On the Client workstation that is getting the message "The Administrator needs to assign the station using the "Control Center

1) Log in with a user with 'admin' privileges
2) Go to home>> station preferences>> hit edit>> change 'clientstation' name to meaningful name. Something else like ''SouthLobbyPC"

4) Now save, and Quit the client workstation 
5) launch the client workstation again, and when the message "The Administrator needs to assign the station using the Control Center", you are now ready to allocate this client. Leave this message up, and move to the next "On the server" section

On the Server  

1) Log into passagepoint client with a user with 'admin' privileges
2) Go to Home> configure system> Enterprise Control Center> Hit “Edit Locations & Allocations”  > select the location where you want to place the station > find the station > and hit the >> to move the station 
Tip ** Be sure to select exactly where you want to place this station in the Tree (in this example it is "SouthShore" 
3) save.

Now the workstation can quit and relaunch.

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