What is the logic behind the Internal Watchlist matches?

What is the logic behind the Internal Watchlist matches?

Logic behind the possible watchlist match is at least first 3 letters of the First Name and the
complete Last Name should match.
Example: A watch list is created for the name James Smith.
Few cases on what will match and what will not are as follows:

1. J Smith will be a match (case first letter of first name and complete last name match)
2. Ja Smith will be a match (case first two letters of first name and complete last name
3. Jam Smith will be a match (case first three letters of first name and complete last name
4. James Smith will be a match (case first three letters of first name and complete last name
5. Jamabc Smith will be a match (case first three letters of first name and complete last
name match)
6. Jaabc Smith will NOT be a match (case first three letters of first name DO NOT Match)
7. Abc Smith will NOT be a match (case first three letters of first name DO NOT Match) 8.
James Smithson will NOT be a match (case complete last name does not match)

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