Web Customized Configurations

Web Customized Configurations

Customized Configurations

1. Web customization

You can add your customized Logo image and CSS file for various web interfaces here.

Lets say you want to add a custom Logo and CSS for a configured web interface with the name "wi1". The steps to do this are:

(1) Create a folder and its name should match the web interface name. In our example, we would name it "wi1".

(2) Create you custom CSS file and name it "override.css". Place this file in the folder created in (Step (1))\config\custom\web\wi1\override.css

(3) To add your logo, place the logo image created in Step (1) above. All extensions which can be rendered by a browser are supported assuming the extension name is 3 to 4 characters long.
    Example "logo.png", "logo.jpeg", etc.

(4) Restart the passage point server

2. Locale customization

You can add your customized locale keys for both Client and Web interface here. The steps to do this are:

(1) Create a file named "override.locale" at location "[Installation Folder]\Config\custom\locale\".
    For a typical installation this translates to "C:\PPGlobal\Config\custom\locale\override.locale"

(2) Open this "override.locale" file and add the following in this file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DefaultLocale xmlFileType="Locale" xmlFileId="-91259461634194">

(3) Make sure not to change the above content of the file like the value of the xmlFileId should be "-91259461634194" only and it should not be edited.
    Also, please don't add any other file with similar contents and same extension of ".locale" in this locale directory.

(4) Now, lets say you want to add a custom value for localization key "USR_USER" as "User Name". For this, enter the following line:

<Entry key="USR_USER" value="User Name" description="Value for key USR_USER from Centers.locale file" />

between the opening and closing <Map> tags to get the file as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DefaultLocale xmlFileType="Locale" xmlFileId="-91259461634194">
      <Entry key="USR_USER" value="User Name" description="Value for key USR_USER from Centers.locale file" />

(5) The steps to add the first customized key is to follow Steps (1) through (4). 
    To add more of the customized keys, just follow Step (4) to enter the key value pair between the opening and closing Map tags, one line below each entry tag.
    So, if you add one more key lets say for key "Config.Badge_Admin_id" from Configure.locale file and value as "My Badge Designs", the file will become:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DefaultLocale xmlFileType="Locale" xmlFileId="-91259461634194">
      <Entry key="USR_USER" value="User Name" description="Value for key USR_USER from Centers.locale file" />
      <Entry key="Config.Badge_Admin_id" value="My Badge Designs" description="Value for key Config.Badge_Admin_id from Configure.locale file" />

(6) If you want to add custom keys for different locales, enter the locale maps for other languages as are done in locale files like the Centers.locale file or Configure.locale.

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