VIP feature (pre-register and send to access control)

VIP feature (pre-register and send to access control)

The VIP feature pre-registers a visitor and  an e-pass email is sent with the barcode of the access card number printed to the visitor
However, that card isn't sent to Access control system till that person is signed in.
A visitor must be signed in to be sent to any access control system

You have 2 options to:

1) pre-register a visitor and have an email sent with the barcode of the access card number
have the visitor check in at the desk and guard signs in the visitor. That triggers the sending of the visitor to the Access control system(This is the default as per the specs we discussed above)


2) Use the auto sign in feature (Enable Pre-Registration Auto Sign-In)

pre-register a visitor with this setting on - an email is sent with the barcode of the access card number

PassagePoint auto signs the visitor in 15 mins prior to scheduled time

3) Use the auto sign in feature (Enable Pre-Registration Auto Sign-In and Sign-In 30 minutes prior to Start Time

pre-register a visitor with this setting on - an email is sent with the barcode of the access card number

PassagePoint auto signs the visitor in 30 mins prior to scheduled time