How to add a SSL certificate to the PassagePoint server

How to add a SSL certificate to the PassagePoint server

How to import a certificate into passagepoint

PassagePoint's certificate format is "cer" format

If your certificate is NOT "cer" format, convert the certificate using 

You'll download a PEM file. Open the PEM file with notepad, and copy and paste the certificate, and private key out to individual files

Now that you have the cert file, you can use passagepoint's keytool to import the cert.

keytool -import -alias ccureservercertificate3 -keystore C:\PPGlobal\Client\security\cacerts -file C:\

  • To Add a certificate in PassagePoint follow the below steps:
    • Stop the Passagepoint services
    •  Place the Ccure Server Certificate in the PassagePoint server installed machine. For example, the user can directly paste the certificate in the C: drive (C:\CertificateName)
    •  Open the command prompt (cmd) as an Administrator.
    • Navigate to path 'PPGlobal\java64\bin' using cd command for example:
      • Enter cd C:\PPGlobal\java64\bin and then hit <Enter> key
      • here 'C:' is the directory path where PassagePoint is installed, user has to change this as per their PassagePoint Installation directory.
    •  Now run the following command:
    • keytool -import -alias ccureservercertificate -keystore C:\PPGlobal\Client\security\cacerts -file C:\CertificateName
      • Replace CertificateName with your certificate name
      • Here, ‘ccureservercertificate’ is alias name of the certificate
    • This will ask for 'Enter keystore password:'
    • Enter 'changeit' and hit <Enter> key
    • This will now ask to trust this certificate option.
    • Enter 'yes' and hit <Enter> key
    • 'Certificate was added to keystore' will come similar to below screenshot
    • Start the PassagePoint services.

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