HL7 OPT out confidential (hide)

HL7 OPT out confidential (hide)

PassagePoint provides a special label   "PP_PATIENT_OPTOUT"

With the label  set to "PP_PATIENT_OPTOUT", PassagePoint looks in the Path to field, and based on the value in the Path to field, the patient will either be searchable or NOT searchable.

In the example below, the Path to field is set to /.PV1-16

We are assuming that if there is any value passed on PV1-16, PassagePoint will mark that Patient as not searchable in PassagePoint. The the work flow will be as follows:

- If an admit/update message is received with an empty PV1-16, the patient will be searchable in PassagePoint
- If an admit/update message is received with some value in  PV1-16, Patient will not be searchable in PassagePoint
- If a Patient is already admitted and has been set for OPT OUT and now you want to remove the OPT-OUT for the Patient (will not be searchable in PassagePoint and now you want to make him/her searchable), you have to send "" (empty double quotes) in PV1-16 which would clear the OPT-OUT flag for the Patient.

Steps to Configure OPT OUT:
An Action Rule should be created in PassagePoint's "HL7 Integration" Configuration. The action type should be set to “Set Attribute” and the label should be set to “PP_PATIENT_OPTOUT”, Regular Expression should be set to .* and Path to the field should be set /.PV1-16 (refer screen shot below)

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