"How To" turn on MRN watchlist feature

"How To" turn on MRN watchlist feature

The goal is to match a patient to a watchlist.

To be 100% sure the patient we are looking up is the patient on the watchlist, we use the MRN of the patient we are looking up and match against the MRN of the patient in our watchlist.

1) We map the looked up patient's MRN by mapping a rule in the HL7 mapping. When passagepoint receives the patient via HL7, it saves the MRN

Edit and look at the Label field. It should be


2)  Turn on "match against MRN#

3) Turn on alerts for Desktop client

4) When the watchlist patient is created, the person creating must know the MRN of the patient and would save that in the MRN field as per screenshot below:

***also note*** Be sure the date is the effective date

3) Then finally check that watchlist host is turned on in screen policy:

Now when a patient is looked up, the MRN from the looked up patient is then compared to the watchlist's MRN. If a match is made, the watchlist is popped up.