People category based screen policy

People category based screen policy

PassagePoint's screen policy is a powerful customization tool, that allows manipulation of the GUI within pasasgepoint's screens.

A screen can be set based on the People category

For example, a visitor can be set to see a screen which contains different rules/fields than an employee/contractor.

A good example to illustrate is the kiosk, but can be applied to any screen.

Home > configure system > Policy manage > Screen Policy > select Kiosk screen under Screen type > Edit "Kiosk Form"

To set for visitor:
Within the Kiosk Form, Hit New to create a new screen and call it visitor

Hit New, then give change the untitled to "visitor", and check off visitor

Do the same for 

To set for Employee:
Within the Kiosk Form, Hit New to create a new screen and call it Employee

Hit New, then give change the untitled to "Employee", and check off Employee

Notice in this screen, Host first last name fields, primary phone # was removed.

Now when the employee category is selected from the kiosk, this employee screen is displayed missing the host last/first name and primary phone#