As passagepoint's barcodes are read via the com port, the Data Logics scanner needs to emulate a com port.
1) If you do not have the drivers for the scanner, you can get it here:
Extract and run the one for your OS
1) download and scan to emulate a com port, and scan from top to bottom
Once that's done and if the com port driver is installed it should appear under device manager> ports>
2) log into passagepoint>> home> station preferences> add barcode scanner
Select Generic barcode scanner> give the barcode scanner a name> set to com 4> baud rate 9600
once the barcode scanner is added you can test by scanning a barcode from any other source.
DO NOT SCAN the programming barcodes.
you should get a pop up that says invalid barcode, which means PassagePoint is able to communicate with the barcode scanner.