How to configure and add a badge to passagepoint

How to configure and add a badge to passagepoint

This KB will use a Dymo 550 as an example and assumes the printer has been installed on windows.

Give rights to the printer for everyone in windows. If this is not allowed, then make sure all printer settings within windows match the settings in PassagePoint.

1) navigate to control panel > devices and printers > right click your printer > select printer properties
2) select security > select everyone >> check manage this printer > check manage documents > click apply and ok

NOTE: If printing to T1651 or 06151 use the following stock sizes 30258 or 30374 in the printer settings. These two are the closest match.

1) Do a test print from windows and make sure that is successful

2) Add the printer to PassagePoint 

- Must be logged in as an admin user
- Home > Station preferences > Add > Select Badge printers > Next

Hit Select Printer > select the "Dymo LabelWriter 550 Turbo" from the dropdown" > Select your paper size > select landscape, hit "ok"

Uncheck "Enhance Gray Scale"

Hit Finish

3) Adding a badge to PassagePoint

Stock size - Determines what size passagepoint will send to the printer

In this case, the badge stock is "30256" and is available, so that will be choosen.

***NOTE*** When a badge stock does not exist (if you aren't using a stock size that is NOT available), it is possible to Add a new stock size.

Adding a Badge Design

In this example, the default badge design "visitor" will be edited

-Home > Configure > Badge Designs > Edit > Select "stock size" > notice you can drag and drop fields objects on the right to your badge > save

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