Source Machine = Production server is the customer's server that contains the PassagePoint Global “config” folder and database
Destination Machine = New server for the PassagePoint Global “config” folder and database
NOTES: Source machine and destination machine should use the same version of PassagePoint Global.
The product keys will need to be reset by STOPware Support before they can be loaded onto the new machine.
To move the PassagePoint Global Server software to a new machine:
On the Source Machine
1. Stop the Passage Point service. Control Panel>Administrator Tools>Service - locate PassagePoint server and stop service.
2. Backup the entire "Config" folder (C:\PPGlobal\Config)
3. Backup the Database.
If using PostgreSQL
a. Start->all programs->postgreSQL->PGAdmin III
b. Double-click on PostgreSQL Database Server 9.2
c. Login with amber as the password (unless you've changed it)
d. Once logged in, expand the directory until you can highlight the amber database and do a back-up (use the settings below)
If using SQL server or Oracle
Have SQL or Oracle DBA back-up the database from the Source Machine.
1. Install the same release version of PassagePoint Global on the new machine. Do not run the application after installation until all the steps are completed.
2. Stop the PassagePoint Services
3. Restore the database on the Destination Machine.
If using PostgreSQL
a. Open PGAdminIII and delete/drop amber.
b. Right click Databases and create amber. Right click amber and follow the attached Restoring database file.
c. Close the dialog box when you see “Process returned exit code “
d. Name the DB 'amber', with owner amber
If usingSQL server or Oracle
Have SQL or Oracle DBA restore the database from the Source Machine and give you the new database location username/password (user must have DBO rights).
1. Replace the “Config” File (C:\PPGlobal\Config) on the new machine with a copy of the “Config” file from the old machine.
2. Remove all files except publickey0 in \PPGlobal\Config\context\1\license\
Note: If Config backup and Database backup is taken at the same point then steps 3 & 4 is not required
3. Increase the 'counter value' in the seq.xml file at the path C:\PPGlobal\Config\context\1\seq.xml. Example: Add 500 in the current counter value.
4. Increase the 'counter value' in the prefix.xml file at the path C:\PPGlobal\Config\prefix.xml. Example: Add 500 in the current counter value.
5. If location of SQL server database has changed, make sure you update the connection string and username/password with the correct one given to you by the SQL/Oracle DBA in step #2 above. (The file that contains location and username/password is PPGlobal\Config\sqlcontext.xml)
6. Start the PassagePoint Global service.
7.Login to PassagePoint desktop client
b. Navigate to Home > Configure System > Database Tools
c. Click on Reset button given next to “Reset Id info:” and click OK
d. Restart PassagePoint Server and Clients.