HL7 Specifications (Inpatients)

HL7 Specifications (Inpatients)

HL7 Port
Port is configurable and can be any agreed upon port.
FYI - The default port in the configuration is 2019

HL7 required segments and fields

In general, PassagePoint requires the following:

1) The entire MSH segment is needed along with the facility (this is so if users need to partition facility, it can)

2) PID segment - Patients   first/last name, MRN, Account, Visit number, l

3) PV1 segment - Location (unit, room, bed)

Beyond this is up to the end user's workflow requirements.
Other hospitals have added things like, DOB, sex, restrictions, special comments....etc.

HL7 supported messages

As passagepoint's main goal is to keep track of a patient and the patient's current location, we  support the following HL7 messages:

1 ADT^A01 : Admit patient
2 ADT^A02 : Patient Transfer
3 ADT^A03 : Patient Discharge
4 ADT^A04 : Patient Registration – Patient registers ahead of time
5 ADT^A06 : Change OutPatient to InPatient
6 ADT^A07 : Change InPatient to OutPatient
7 ADT^A08 : Patient Information Update
8 ADT^A11 : Cancel Admission
9 ADT^A12 : Cancel Transfer
10 ADT^A13 : Cancel Patient Discharge – Cancel the discharge or treat as an admission.
11 ADT^A17 : Bed Swap message: Contains two patients swapping location
12 ADT^A18 : Merge Records (for inbound messages only)
13 ADT^A31 : Update Person Information message. 

For more information on each segment, pls see attached.
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