HL7 - how to set patient room/bed limits on a visitor

HL7 - how to set patient room/bed limits on a visitor

PassagePoint's HL7 module features a flexible patient room/bed limit that allows limiting visitors to a patient's room based on location HL7 segment (PV1)

Limits can be placed on any of the HL7 PV1 field index below (namely PV1-1 through PV1-11)

Section 1

Let's look at the 3  basic rules

1) Basic Room Limit

The rule below says  if there is anything in the Room index (PV1-2), it will be counted against the "Room" limit.

2) Basic Bed Limit

The rule below says  if there is anything in the Bed index (PV1-3), it will be counted against this "Bed" limit.

3) A More refined rule (setting a bed limit for a unit   i.e  "pediatrics"

The rule below says  if Point of care (Unit or PV1-1) is "PED",  it will be counted against the "Bed" limit.

Section 2

Below are the 3 limits 

The rules are read top down, and once a rule is matched, the matching process stops. 

For example, in the below example, if the HL7 Message has "PED" as a unit, it'll  hit the first rule, then stop.

Section 3 (other sample)

1) An example to set no limits

Because passagepoint requires at least a room and Bed limit rule, to set "no limits" on patient rooms, set a rather large number so you'd never hit that max.

In the example below, Bed and Room limits are set to 500, essentially setting the limits to no limits.

2) In the example below, "PED" is set to with a Bed limit of 1, while all other Units are set to 500, essentially setting the limits to no limits.

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