How to create a Creating Custom Report

How to create a Creating Custom Report

1. Log into PassagePoint and go to Report Center>Custom Report Builder.
2. Hit Add to create a new Custom Report. You should see the screen below. We will be using the Visit tree for this report. If you selected a field from the Visit tree all other field must come from the same tree. The first box represent all the possible trees.

3. Click on Visit and the box to the right of it should populate. As you click on the next set of
option it'll keep expanding to the right. Remembering that the first box should always be set to
Visit. Clicking Add will add the options into your report. See second image.

4. In the bottom right hand corner you should see an “Add Hidden Constraint” box (circle red), certain
option can be set as constraints so that you can search base on those category. The most important one
is probably Time In, shown in the image below, it allows you to search base on the date. Select the
constraint (highlighted yellow below) then click Edit (circle blue).

5. After selecting your constraints click “Edit” and you'll get the screen in the image below. Check “Set
Constraints” and set your constraints. It's not set in stone just a starting point. Do not check Tomorrow's
Report it's for a different type of reporting.

6. After selecting all you categories and setting your constraints give the report a name then save.

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